Spaces’ most wanted

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We are getting lots of traffic on the Spaces Images website. Looking at APRIL, here’s a list of keywords being used to search our collection. Take a peek at these anytime you’re stuck on what to shoot. Fre- quent searches are in CAPS.

A agriculture, alarm clock, alaska, alcoholic drink, archway, armchair

B barrelsauna,basketballhoop,bedframe,beer,bicycleshop,bigbox,blinds, BOARDS, boardwalk, bookstore, boston, brewery, bridge, bucket, building materials, butcher

C camerastore,canada,car,cardkey,cardboardboxes,cargo,castle,cayman islands, check stands, circuit board, clothing store, cloud communities, commuter ship, container, conveyor, corn, cornfield, counter top, crib, cubby hole

D dairyfarm,deli,departmentstore,desert,desk,diagnosticstation,DINER, disney, disneyworld, DOORS, dress store, dry dock

E edmonton stadium, elementary school, emergency stairs, end table, entertain, exercise bike, exercise machine

F FACTORY, fighter plane, fishing boats, fishing nets, flat, flooded bathroom, flooded office bathroom, food trolly, FRUIT

G garbagetruck,gizapyramids,golf,grainsilo,grainstorage,GROCERY, GROCERY STORE, gulf of mexico, GYM, gym equipment

H hairsalon,hallway,hardhat,healthculture,healthcare,hieroglyphics,high rises, highway construction, holiday culture, home store, horse, HOSPITAL, hospital ward

I  ice rink, industry, internet, internet

J  JAPAN, jean store

K  kid’sroom,kitchenparty,KITCHENS

L  lion, LIVING ROOM, LOADING DOCK, lock bricks, LOCKER, loft, loom, low

tide, lunch room, LUXURY BATHROOM

M marina,mixer,montreal,moscow

N namibia,newyork,nightclub,nursery,

O oar,obama’sneighborhouse(seriously!),observationdeck,OREGON,outdoor seating, outer space

P pallet jack, paris, parking lot, passenger plane, pet shop, piazza, pier, PIER,

pool, pool ball, pottery, pottery studio, power cable, puerto rico Q quebeccity

R railplatform,readingchair,reception,receptiondesk,recordplayer,recreation center, remote, rest rooms, roads, rope bridge, rover, rowing machine, rug, rye

S sailing, school, shelving, shipping and receiving, shower curtain, smog, sports locker, steam showers, storage container, strength training, subway, supermarket, surfboard, surgeon headlamp, surgical instruments, surgical light

T telephone pole, textbooks, tiki, tomb, tool store, toronto, train, tree, truck on bridge

U university,urbanroad,utilitypole

V VAULTED CEILINGS, vintage car, waves

W wicket, winery, wood paneling, wooden ladder

Amy - You can not put a price tag on this information, very valuable!

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